Witness to a mob killing and afraid to testify, young Louise Graham flees to Montana where she hopes to disappear working in the gift shop at Glacier National Park. Staying at the park are vacationers Matt Hallett, ex-marine, and Paul Adams, amateur photographer, both obviously very interested in Louise and both vying for her attention. Louise is unaware that one is a mob hitman, hired to kill her to prevent her from testifying, and the other is a cop working for the New York D.A.'s office, sent to protect her. A policeman tries to protect a young woman against a hit man, when she flees New York after witnessing a mob killing. There is nothing like a good B movie (of which Casablanca is surely the best), and this isn't one, but nonetheless it is enjoyable if nothing else for the editing, which may be the worst I've seen. Victor Mature and Vincent Price in the same picture can't be all bad. Throw in Piper Laurie wandering around the back country in high heels, Indians in grease paint, a fire and a crevasse, and its an (unintentionally) amusing 90 minutes. Oh Gawd…… RKO in the Howard Hughes years…. terrible films with good production values…. and in 3D comes DANGEROUS MISSION…. what a terrible title… it is like calling a film SOMETHING HAPPENED. Of course it is a dangerous mission.. what would be the point of it otherwise…..In this hybrid noir and faux-Republic western, we get some terrific location forest and glacier footage mixed with shoddy studio shots, half the film is re created indoors on sound stages almost as if to give the studio staff and crew something to do. The whole film could easily have been filmed on location, but for almost this 'keep 'em busy at Gower St' reason insert shots and close ups and odd shots get a studio level makeover.. and this includes a 3D forest fire (!) a 3D whiplash loose electrical cable, a 3D avalanche.. all of which believe it or not have nothing to do with the story. If you see the trailer on the "3D trailers DVD" available in discount shops, there is a hilarious gangland assassination of some piano player in reel one (he keeps tinkling on the treble keys as he slides off the stool) some gal sees it and some guys follow her to her holiday hideout in the mountains. The second unit alpine reality is gorgeous and the Indian theme inspires 50s sets and clothes are kitsch.. and the interaction and jumbled scenes often do not make sense… in fact it is downright startling that some scenes have nothing to do with the next. One scene in the lobby early in the film has Vincent Price and Victor Mature chatting up the two female characters in the film. cut to: entry at a chalet square dance where Mature arrives with one of them… no asking her out in the last scene… just 'here they are here now:… then the roof falls in courtesy of producer Irwin Allen. The glacial scenes in the last reel make no sense as they swing between the same actors in shopping clothes in icy terrain and them them on a cardboard set shooting each other. It is just a mess…BUT and here I have to admit, it is all so entertaining. Almost no story, subplots dismissed (the Indian Dad), pointless running about and apparently witty macho banter between the guys. Some noir twists and BANG it's all over in a 3D avalanche too. What a mess. How enjoyable!
Betpavle replied
337 weeks ago